On Hacking.6 What do you need?.7 How does this address the need?.7 Who are you talking to?.7 How will you know if it worked?.7 Does it work without you?.8 How to Hack Cortex Plus.9 The Most Basic Cortex Plus Game Ever.9 Is That It?.9 So What Else?.9 So, Is That It?.11 The Basics of Dramatic Roleplaying.12 When You Roll.12 What You Roll.12 How You Roll.13 Supported Game Styles.14 The Basics of Action Roleplaying.15 When You Roll.15 What You Roll.15 How You Roll.15 Plot Points.16 Character Creation.16 Supported Game Styles.16 The Basics of Heroic Roleplaying. Icon Designs from the Noun Project: Dice, Drew Ellis Hit, Ezra Keddell Superhero, Simon Child and Theater, Saman Bemel-Benrud.Ĭontents Foreword.4 How to Use this Book.5ĭramatic Fluency.41 How to use this model.41 Special Thanks: Margaret Weis, anyone who contributed to a previous Cortex Plus game, and all of our wonderful Kickstarter Backers who made this project possible

Patrick, Dennis Twigg, and Monica ValentinelliĪction Roleplaying Designers: Cam Banks, Steve Darlington, David Hill, and Ryan Macklin Dramatic Roleplaying Designers: Leonard Balsera, Amanda Valentine, and Filamena Young Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying Designers: Dave Chalker, Philippe-Antoine Ménard, and Dennis Twigg Hacker’s Guide Conception: Cam Banks Lead Developers: Cam Banks, Dave Chalker, and Philippe-Antoine Ménard Kickstarter Leads: Dave Chalker and Philippe-Antoine Ménard Business Management: Christi Cardenas Editing and Additional Development: Sally Christensen Art Direction and Layout: Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, Shreyas Sampat, and Jeremy Keller Additional Layout: Thomas Deeny Cover Art: Erika Lavin Hacker’s Guide Contributors: Cam Banks, Dave Bozarth, Dave Chalker, Scott Cunningham, Rob Donoghue, Steve Darlington, Anders Gabrielsson, Matthew Gardner, Zachery Gaskins, Jim Henley, Dain Lybarger, Tom Lynch, Ryan Macklin, Philippe-Antoine Ménard, Adam Minnie, James Ritter, Josh Roby, Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, Shreyas Sampat, Joli St.